A perfect September day for a fabulous and understated elegant wedding. Their love was so intense, it was thick in the air. Those of us lucky to witness experienced a special moment in time, where two people committed themselves so absolutely none could deny it.

So this is love

Uncategorized, wedding photography

The engagement shoot I posted a few days ago really gave me a feel for this couple and their wedding style. They are natural, homey, with a hint of the classic and stoic. It was illustrated in their personalities all the way down to their then three year old son. I adore this photo for […]

American Gothic, Family Style

Uncategorized, wedding photography

The classic dip and kiss… A beautiful moment at the Codman Estate in Lincoln, Massachusetts. A gorgeous location for a wedding, though I’ll tell you it’s a pain to straighten the images because the house is so old I don’t think a single side is straight. No matter what I do everything looks crooked. Just […]

Another favorite

sneak peek, Uncategorized, wedding photography

I’m taking a different approach. Little Bunny Photo started a beautiful thing – I was able to photograph some beautiful families and many weddings and events. However, I think it’s been a limiter in selling my legitimacy to some brides and grooms. I guess “Little Bunny Photo” doesn’t sing to the heavens, “I shoot weddings!” […]

Spinning and spinning

Personal, Uncategorized


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